Lang Biz Tips September 2024

A Few Ideas to Help Improve Your Business



Ask your customers to write reviews of your business

Traditional advertising and marketing efforts only get you so far. Before purchasing a product or service, customers want to know what their peers think of the item in question. In fact, a recent report shows that 92% of shoppers hesitate to buy products without reviews.

If you want your business to stand out from the pack, brainstorm some ways to get satisfied customers to post reviews online. For example, you could:

  • Ask for reviews on your website and social media pages.
  • Invite clients to submit video testimonials.
  • Offer incentives to customers who leave reviews.

Where are potential customers looking for these reviews? Product pages, Yelp, Facebook, Google My Business, and more.


As a small business owner, you probably know that social media offers a valuable opportunity to build your brand and connect with customers. Still, that doesn’t mean you’re using this resource to its fullest advantage.

While many small businesses currently use Facebook, not as many promote their services on Instagram. You might do better marketing your goods in a more visual environment.

It’s just not enough to advertise your wares online. Business owners should also talk about their brand on social platforms, sharing mission statements, charitable efforts, and goals for the future, product ideas, why you are different than competitors. Establish your company as an expert in your field while presenting yourself as the type of business your target audience would feel good about frequenting. The goal is to stick in social users’ minds, so they think of you the next time they need to make a purchase.

Host an Event

Just because social media has made it possible to connect with customers and connections online doesn’t mean you should stop trying to network in person. From town and city events to business networking events are a great way to build relationships with others in your field.

You might even be able to partner with a related company in order to cross-promote each other’s services. Or offer an  open house during off-hours where customers can learn more about what and how you do things so customers can get to know you and your business.

Loyalty Rewards

Did you know that finding a new customer costs three times as must as selling to a current one? If you want to build your business while boosting profits, make customer loyalty a top priority. While there’s no one way to keep customers engaged, small businesses can earn major brownie points by creating loyalty programs.


For example, think about offering perks and rewards to customers who regularly honor you with their business. Many businesses offer stamp cards to repeat customers. For example, a customer who buys 4 briskets might get the 5th one free. That can incentivize customers to choose you over your competition.

Email list

Email marketing is one of the best and most affordable ways of growing your business. If you want to get an edge, start by start by expanding your email list or building a new one. Companies can find new subscribers by including email registration forms on their websites and social media pages. Be sure you’re providing customers with desirable content, so they have a reason to open your emails and newsletters.


You may even want to segment your email list, so the most relevant content is going to the appropriate customers. Additionally, you can reward subscribers with perks like coupons, BOGO and so on.


When you’ve been in business for years, it’s easy to believe you know what’s going to sell and how to market your products and services. But doing things the same way you always have may not be right going forward.


The products or services you sell may be on the downhill side of their product life cycle. Or there may be a significant number of customers you’re not reaching because your marketing isn’t reaching them or isn’t reaching them at the right time.

To find out about issues like these, ask customers and prospects for feedback. Ask what they like, what they don’t like, what else they need, and what would make it easier for them to buy from you. Contact former customers and ask similar questions. The more you learn about customer needs and preferences, the more you’ll be able to grow your business.

Avoid becoming stagnant and continue growing your business.


Mobile Apps

If you’re still hesitant about whether you should invest in a mobile app for your business, take a look at these stats:


  • In 2018, 42% of small businesses already had an app, and more than 20% of them said they planned to build one by the end of the year.


  • By 2021, the global mobile app downloads are expected to reach 284 billion.


  • People are spending more time interacting with their mobile apps. The total time spent in apps on Android smartphones grew by nearly 65% in just 1 year.



So, the real question is: Can you afford to stay out of the mobile app game?

Mobile apps are taking the world by storm and the majority of forward-thinking entrepreneurs are taking advantage of them to improve their business.


Having a mobile app can help boost your branding, facilitate customer acquisition, improve customer service experience, act as a marketing tool, and generate more income. And the best part is, building an app today is easier than ever – all you need to do is find a good app maker that will develop a beautiful mobile app tailored specifically to your business needs.




Digital marketing campaigns offer very specific targeting and immediate results. What’s more, they offer a higher ROI than most traditional forms of marketing (TV, radio, print). Other benefits of digital marketing include:


  • Reaching a more targeted audience.
  • Building strong relationships with customers, which can help create brand loyalty.
  • Providing efficient, real-time customer support.
  • Achieving higher revenues with minimum cost.

All this makes digital marketing far more accessible to smaller businesses than other, traditional forms of advert




Data analytics has an almost infinite number of uses and can help small businesses become more efficient and more productive. And when used right, it can create a significant competitive advantage, while at the same time boosting conversions and revenue.

Today, businesses have at their disposal a large number of analytical tools they can use to measure their performance and identify the weaknesses and strengths of their operations. For example, you can evaluate your page loading speed or measure the percentage of mobile visitors to your site – all in a matter of minutes.

These tools provide you with enough insight and information, enhancing your decision-making capabilities.


Note, many of the people who start barbeque businesses do so because they love to cook and satisfy other with their culinary uniqueness. They have a passion for it. But running a business is more than offering a great product, you need to handle many aspects of creating success. If you can’t do it alone, get help. It’s worth the investment for the return.




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