The Best Offset Smokers in the World

MAZ recently wrote to us with from London, England saying that we are “The BEST offset smoker in the world“!   And he doesn’t even own a Lang BBQ Smoker … YET!

MAZ wrote

Hi to who it May concern Mr Lang ? I have been doing a lot off research and I think you guys have the best offset smokers in the world . The only problem I have is that I am in London England 😡. I cannot buy a Lang 48 smoker here . I was just wanted to ask is that can you supply me with one and how much including delivery would it cost me ? It’s for a Lang 48 reverse offset smoker . Thank you for your time . Regards MAZ

Well, Mr. Ben Lang got right on it and wrote back to MAZ filling him in on the Lang 48 model options, pricing and shipping to the UK!

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