Smoker Cooker with D-Ring Added

smoker cooker with D-ringBen and the Lang Team,

Thank you for your excellent service. I could not be happier with my purchase experience and the beautiful cooker. Thanks for the customization of the cart with the D-Ring additions. They will work as planned. I was only asking for the D-Ring brackets and I would add the D-Rings myself when in use. I have ramps and a Warn Winch that will roll the cooker into my pickup trip for travel when I’m cooking at friends events. That’s another reason for the D-Ring brackets and D-Rings.

All of my neighbors and friends are so jealous and they want to “be Cooking on a Lang!”

Here’s a photo mask of my new cooker already seasoned and with a couple of cooks completed using both the cooker and chargrill.

Last, a special Thank You to your delivery team for getting my cooker here before Christmas. I don’t know why anyone can ever complain about your service. I found it to be excellent!

Thanks and Happy New Year!

Larry S. of Rescue, CA

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