Magic Dust and The Beauty

Randy Wallace has always wanted to roast a whole hog. He finally decided to do it and because he wanted it to be perfect he bought a 84 Lang BBQ Smokers® model, the “Cadillac” of smoker cookers according to Randy.

He purchased a 110lb “beauty” of a pig and got down to business. He created an injection liquid and then the perfect rub that he called “magic dust”. In no time Randy was cooking. After slow cooking his pig for 12 hours he was ready to serve it and from the look of the picture below, Randy was hugely successful with his pig roast. He credits his Lang BBQ Smokers® for his success, but no doubt that the “magic dust” helped too. For the recipe for the injection fluid and the “magic dust” and to read the whole article visit Randy’s blog



The whole hog 

on a 

84 Lang BBQ Smokers


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