love my lang


I have the Lang 60 deluxe w/warming box and 40″ chargrill. It’s 2 separate grills (wood smoker and charcoal grill) on a single trailer.

For cooking capacity, the Lang website states:

40 to 45- 1/2 Chickens
Or: 20 – 8lb. Pork Butts
– With upper rack, 21-22 Pork Butts
Or: 15 – Slabs Ribs
Or: 1 – 100 lb. Pig

Personally, I know you can cook a case of burgers (about 50 patties) AND a case of hotdogs (about 50) in the main smoker, AND have another case of burgers cooking in the chargrill, at the same time! You better be ready to do some serious flippin’!

You can control how hot the warming box gets by using dampers. On average, when the main smoker is 275, the warming box is around 175-195, with dampers closed. If you open them, you allow more heat into the warming box.

If you can hold off until October, there is a massive BBQ competition where it’s champions vs. champions, best of the best, at The Jack Daniels Invitational, Lynchburg, TN. You’ll get to meet the best pitmasters in the country. Last year, I met Myron Mixon, Chris Lily, Mike Davis, and of course, Ben Lang! That’s also where I bought my Lang from Ben. He brings a truckload to The Jack. Maybe you can order it and have it bring it there for you to pick up, kill 2 birds with 1 stone. You’ll also get to tour the Jack Daniels distillery. The tour and the BBQ competition (as a spectator) are FREE to the public!

This may sound like a repeat of other Lang owners, but I LOVE MY LANG! I don’t regret my purchase ONE BIT. And you couldn’t GIVE me one of those charcoal smokers that look like a dorm refrigerator. I love the Lang’s design that allows me to cook “old school”, with a fire pit. Oh, by the way, “reverse flow” units have the firebox and smoke stack on on the same end. The hear flows through a hollow chamber in the belly, then rises to the upper level, then flows back across your meat to the smokestack.

Sorry for being long winded, but I personally feel that customer feedback is the best marketing a company can have. Matter of fact, I’d like to see this on Lang’s website: “Don’t take our word for it, just ask our customers!” – Have a safe trip to pick up your Lang.

You’re gonna love it!

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