Krista Jumped Right In

Krista White emailed Ben that after only 2 months of cooking on a Lang Smoker Cooker she went to the 5th Annual Hogs for the Cause competition in New Orleans, LA, and came in 1st place in the butt and pulled pork division, proving once again that when you are cookin’ on a Lang Smoker Cooker you are cookin’ on the best! 

Her team Beers Fly When Pigs Die was cooking on the fabulous 36 Hybrid model also proving that you can cook on a smaller model and win 1st place!


1st place BUTT 5th annual Hogs for the Cause in New Orleans, LA


“I just recently bought a 36 hybrid. Only been cooking on it for 2 months. In my first competition, came out 1st in the BUTT, pulled pork, division in the 5th annual Hogs For The Cause. Team – Beers Fly When Pigs Die ” ~ Krista

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