Cleaning a Lang BBQ Smoker is a Snap – Lang Smoking Saturday Tips

Watch as Ben Lang discusses the #1 TIP to get the BEST taste from your smoker cooker … to keep it clean! It only takes 5-10 minutes.

Watch this video taken at a Q-School smoker cooking class:

More tips and links below.


Cleaning the grill is a snap, and Ben offers tips on how to do it quickly and efficiently in this video shot while he was talking to some Q-School smoker cooker class attendees.

By keeping your smoker cooker clean you are assuring that the essential heat will get to the food and cook it as it should be cooked.

Clean After Cooking

THE BEST TIME TO CLEAN YOUR SMOKER is after you finished using your smoker.

Steam Cleaning is the preferred method. It’s easy and effective to clean while your smoker is still hot! A little water and some scraping and it’s done.

Clean Before Cooking

FORGOT TO CLEAN your smoker the last time you used it?

If you did not clean your smoker cooker after the last cooking, do so now with the Steam Cleaning Process.

QUICK CLEAN with a Quick MISTING Clean

If you already cleaned your smoker cooker after your last cooking, we still recommend a quick misting to clean off any dust. After the grill is hot, spray a little water inside to clean off any dust and let the cooking begin.


PERIODICALLY clean the interior roof of your smoker

Scrape the top of your smoker so that nothing will drip and fall on your fresh meat.

SOME will clean the gauge

Most people never clean the gauge, but some competitors who take their smokers on long road trips to different competitions, will remove the gauges and keep them clean while traveling.

PERIODICALLY hose down the exterior of your smoker

While your smoker is hot, hose down the exterior of your Lang BBQ Smoker.

Lot’s more tips on the TIPS & CARE page and the YouTube Channel Lang Tips.

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