I still can’t believe I ordered my smoker on the 23rd and I was smoking on Christmas Eve! I couldn’t be happier with her. Christmas Eve she smoked a fabulous prime rib and couldn’t help myself on Christmas, so I fired her up again…ribs and chicken. I’ve attached some pictures.
Thanks again!

Justin G. South, Esq.
Huntsville, Alabama 35801

0 thoughts on “”

  1. Tim, Sorry that I’m just seeing this but if you are ever in the area, I’d be glad to show mine or one of the others here locally if you want. I also find myself in your area every now and then so if still interested, shoot me an email and I’ll try to hook it up and bring it with me next time. All in all, I love my Lang. Great value and great product and if you ever need anything, they will help immediately. Email is [email protected]. Hope all is well. Justin

  2. I live in Anniston, AL, which is east-central AL. Is there anyone close to here who owns a Lang and would let me come visit with them to see one up close?


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