My Lang 36

Your guys John and his brother just dropped off my smoker. I have to say it has been a pleasure dealing with your company and people. Up here in CT we don’t get used to good service. I ordered my smoker on the 1st and the next thing I know is I get a call from John saying he would be here the next day. He and his brother were as nice as can be. Took my unit off the truck, put it right where I wanted it and gave me a 10 minute run down on the unit. I will have to season it tomorrow and then think of what to cook first–but that is something I am looking forward to.

It took me a lot of time and research to decide to go with Lang but if your smoker works half as well as your crew….I am sure it will be a good decision.

Thanks again

Steve Ackley

3 thoughts on “My Lang 36”

  1. Darryl,
    Lang only sells direct. The Lang 36 was made by Ben Lang expressly for the backyard enthusiast who wants more then the average BBQ to cook with. What I suggest you do is look at the Lang 36 product page and then a couple of videos like, Starting a Fire and Seasoning. Then give Ben a call at their 800 number he will answer any questions.
    Jim Mahlmann
    Webmaster for Lang

  2. Steve I live here in CT and have been researching the Lang smokers. I would be very interested in hearing how you are making out with it as well as how/where you went about ordering one and getting it shipped up here. I am mainly a backyard smoker and mainly interested in ribs and shoulders with the occassional griiling. Would be interested in hearing from you if possible.

    Thanks Darryl
    [email protected]

  3. Steve, good luck with your new cooker you wont be dissapointed!!….I bought a 36 patio awhile back and have never looked back….Ben, Tom and the boys are a first rate bunch and a great buisiness to deal with….My BBQ comes out so consistant and moist I cannot believe its that simple…we call it “BBQ for Dummies”…you cant mess it up….the air flow and control is so easy and the even heat inside the cooker is unbelieveable…..wait and see….keep it hot and keep it clean!…Gary


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