A Message of Gratitude for Chef Kirk from a Q-School Student

Chef Kirk,

Words cannot express my gratitude to you for the years of wisdom that you imparted into those of us that were privileged to attend the Lang Q-School on last Saturday. At this moment, I am still soaring on a cloud!

When I arrived home, my wife (who rarely eats red meat) sample the brisket that we prepared in class and said “OMG”! Two minutes later, she grabbed a plate for more brisket. Then, she sample each of the meats and was blown away!

I have reached out to Savory Spices to purchase a several of the spices that you made available to the class. However, selecting the spices has proved to be a little more difficult than I anticipated. My team selected the following spices: Cinnamon, All Spice and Chipotle. Would you assist me with identifying names of the Cinnamon (organic, Ceylon, Indonesian, etc) and Allspice (various) that we used?

Again, thank you for the wisdom as well as the assistance.

Keith Harris

Keith was a Q-School student at the June 17, 2017 class. Find out more about classes on www.LangBBQcookingClass.com

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