The Stone House Inn in Farmington, PA recently purchased their fourth Lang BBQ Smokers cooker!
Stone House Smoke House
The Stone House crew started using a smoker cooker as a lunch-time hobby and has turned into a regional favorite. They have developed signature brines, rubs & techniques and burning only local mountain hardwoods. They are so proud of their smoking accomplishments they have a web page dedicated to their Lang BBQ Smokers and what they do on them! Check out their Stone House Smoker House page.
The Hunt Chef
Chef Jeremy Critchfield, aka The Hunt Chef, is an honors graduate of the IUP Academy of Culinary Arts. Chef Critchfield is chef and operating partner at the historic restaurant and inn. Jeremy is in his kitchen daily while operating the restaurant, B&B rooms, events, weddings and catering.
Learn more about the Stone House in this video and keep a look-out for their Lang BBQ Smokers.